Travelling with Pets – not as easy as it was…

Travelling with pets is now more complex post Brexit. Get it right or risk losing your animals.

Italy in the Spring time, in a Syncro Pt2

The final instalment of this stunning country, a van life paradise. I cannot adequately explain how beautiful it is, if you leave the cities and follow the road less travelled, but I’ll try…

Things we love having in our van…

Just a few items we love having in our van, luxuries and essentials.

Italy in the Spring Time, in a Syncro Pt1

Italy is awesome, a van life paradise, so you really must go. This is part 1… Oh and.. you’d be forgiven for thinking we are in Italy. We aren’t. Basically we finished the trip and set about planning the next one and life got in the way. Now we are broken down in France (a story for another day) and I am catching up on posting our trips. Sorry. Stick with it, we’ve lots more to share!

Travelling to Morocco with pets

Just a quick guide to the requirements to take your dog, cat or ferret to Morocco. It’s easy to get it wrong and there’s a lot of misinformation out there, much well intentioned but wrong or outdated. Hope fully this short guide will help.

Croatia – a country of two halves Pt2

Finally! The next part arrives…. In this chapter we move up the west coast, between Split and Pula. This really is a stunning country.

Croatia – a country of two halves (Pt1)

Croatia is a beautiful country which is ripe for exploration. Get away from the coast and be adventurous: it’s worth it!

Slovenia – an old favourite!

Back in a country we love, we say goodbye to the snow and make some new friends!

Continuing around the Bloc! Slovakia & on to Austria

Having spent a short time in Slovakia in the early 2000s, I have had a hankering to return. My memory was of a beautiful country, unspoilt by many of the trappings of Western Europe (Starbucks, McDonalds etc), with wide open spaces and castles. We crossed the border into Slovakia near Zakopane, taking the road less … Continue reading Continuing around the Bloc! Slovakia & on to Austria

Poland in deep winter….

Having travelled across Western Europe, over the old East German border and through the Czech Republic, we reached Poland. Now we encountered deep snow, heavy snow showers and diesel heater failure. We entered Poland through the region called Lower Silesia, planning to route down to Zakopane , where we would cross into Slovakia. Now Poland … Continue reading Poland in deep winter….